
Ballantines Finest 750ml is a popular Scottish Whisky mostly taken during special occasions. It is well balanced with tones of milk, chocolate, red apple and vanilla. It contains 40% alcohol.

Ballantine’s Finest 750ml is soft and elegant, with honey and spice aromas, a well-balanced, sweet, and complex flavor, and a fresh, floral aftertaste. Add to cart and check out today.



Ballantines Finest is a smooth, satisfyingly modern blend of whiskey. It is well balanced with tones of milk, chocolate, red apple and vanilla.

It is a light gold complex mix of over 40 malt and grain whiskeys. They are first carefully selected from 4 different iconic Scottish regions, then undergo years of ageing in high-quality casks.

Nose: Expressive, crisp barley sugars. Touch of wood smoke, toffee.

Palate: Rich and sweet. Barley and caramel, very gentle peat.

Finish: Soft and sweet, fudge.

Why Order Ballantines Finest From Jays Wines

Buy Ballantines Finest 750ml online in Nairobi and get it delivered within two hours between Monday and Saturday from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm.

If within CBD, orders will be delivered within 20min or less. You can contact us at +254 705 570 066. In-Store pickup orders are generally ready. Find us at Watersys Plaza, 2nd Floor, Biashara Street, Nairobi, Kenya.

We can package any type of wine or spirit for Gift purposes at request.



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Alcohol Content


Country Of Origin

