Caribia Gin is a finely crafted gin with juniper with hints of citrus peel and spice to deliver a well-balanced gin with an incredibly smooth palate.
Buy Caribia gin 750ml online in Nairobi and get a free mixer. Get it delivered within two hours between Monday and Saturday from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm. Caribia gin is a popular gin from Kenya mostly taken during special occasions. Caribia gin 750ml contains 40% alcohol.
If within CBD, orders will be delivered within 20min or less. You can contact us at +254 705 570 066. In-Store pickup orders are generally ready. Find us at Watersys Plaza, 2nd Floor, Biashara Street, Nairobi, Kenya.
Caribia Gin is a finely crafted gin with juniper with hints of citrus peel and spice to deliver a well-balanced gin with an incredibly smooth palate.