
Clubman Mint Punch 750ml is a popular liqueur from Kenya taken during special occasions. Infused with the crisp flavour of mint, this punch offers a unique and refreshing taste that’s ideal for warm weather and social gatherings. Clubman contains 20% alcohol.

Clubman Mint Punch 750ml is perfect for serving over ice on a hot day or mixing into a refreshing cocktail. Whether you’re enjoying it at a party or relaxing by the pool, this punch is sure to add a cool and refreshing twist to any occasion. Add to cart now and check out today.

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Clubman Mint Punch is a vibrant and refreshing beverage, perfect for those who enjoy a lively and invigorating drink. Infused with the crisp flavour of mint, this punch offers a unique and refreshing taste that’s ideal for warm weather and social gatherings.

Tasting Notes:

  • Aroma: A fresh and minty aroma with a hint of sweetness, creating an inviting and invigorating bouquet.
  • Palate: Crisp and refreshing, with a bold mint flavour that’s balanced by a subtle sweetness, delivering a cooling and satisfying taste.
  • Finish: Clean and crisp, with a lingering minty freshness that leaves you feeling revitalized.

It is perfect for serving over ice on a hot day or mixing into a refreshing cocktail. Whether you’re enjoying it at a party or relaxing by the pool, this punch is sure to add a cool and refreshing twist to any occasion.

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Buy Clubman Mint Punch 750ml online in Nairobi and get it delivered within two hours between Monday and Saturday from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm.

If within CBD, orders will be delivered within 20min or less. You can contact us at +254 705 570 066. In-Store pickup orders are generally ready. Find us at Watersys Plaza, 2nd Floor, Biashara Street, Nairobi, Kenya.

We can package any type of wine or spirit for Gift purposes at request.

Additional information

Alcohol Content


Bottle Size

Country Of Origin

