Jack Daniel’s Honey 700ml is a popular American whiskey that is blended with honey liqueur.
Jack Daniel’s Honey is made by combining their classic Old No. 7 Tennessee Whiskey with a proprietary honey liqueur made from real honey. The resulting blend is a smooth, sweet liqueur.
Why Order Jack Daniel’s Honey From Jays Wines
Buy Jack Daniel’s Honey 700ml online in Nairobi and get it delivered within two hours between Monday and Saturday from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm.
If within CBD, orders will be delivered within 20min or less. You can contact us at +254 705 570 066. In-Store pickup orders are generally ready. Find us at Watersys Plaza, 2nd Floor, Biashara Street, Nairobi, Kenya.
We can package any type of wine or spirit for Gift purposes at request.