
Smirnoff Black Ice 330ml is a popular RTD mostly taken during special occasions.

It has a refreshing and extra strong blend of Smirnoff Vodka and tangy citrus-flavoured soda. It contains 5.8% alcohol.

It is the ideal vodka-based mixer and is refreshing and served straight from the fridge on hot summer days. Add to cart now and enjoy the crispy flavour.

SKU: jw294 Category:


Smirnoff Black Ice cans have a refreshing and extra strong blend of Smirnoff Vodka and tangy citrus-flavoured soda.

A modern tribute to the traditional standards established by Smirnoff and now conveniently packaged in cartons, Smirnoff Black is perfect for parties or sharing with great friends after work.

Smirnoff Black Ice is the ideal vodka-based mixer and is refreshing and served straight from the fridge on hot summer days.

Why Order Smirnoff Black Ice From Jays Wines

Buy Smirnoff Black Ice 330ml online in Nairobi and get it delivered within two hours between Monday and Saturday from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm.

If within CBD, orders will be delivered within 20min or less. You can contact us at +254 705 570 066. In-Store pickup orders are generally ready. Find us at Watersys Plaza, 2nd Floor, Biashara Street, Nairobi, Kenya.

We can package any type of wine or spirit for Gift purposes at request.

Additional information

Bottle Size

Country Of Origin

